ECP therapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical therapy process that uses a medical device to deliver External Counterpulsation (ECP). ECP enhances blood flow through timed inflation of pressure cuffs wrapped around the calves, thighs and hips.
The inflation of cuffs occurs in between each heartbeat, compressing the blood vessels and pumping blood back to the heart and throughout the body.
Enhances blood flow throughtout the body including organs
Increases volume of blood pumped by the heart to other parts of the body
Widening the blood vessels allowing blood flow to increase
Reduce arterial stiffness
Reduce heart workload to pump blood
Promotes blood vessel formation / collaterals
Increases coronary blood flow to the heart muscles
Anti-inflammation effects
ECP therapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical therapy process that uses a medical device to deliver External Counterpulsation (ECP). ECP enhances blood flow through timed inflation of pressure cuffs wrapped around the calves, thighs and hips. The inflation of cuffs occurs in between each heartbeat, compressing the blood vessels and pumping blood back to the heart and throughout the body.
Three sets of inflatable pressure cuffs, much like ordinary blood pressure cuffs, are wrapped around the calves, thighs and hips. ECG electrodes applied to the chest enable the NCP-5 system to time cuffs inflation precisely to the rhythm of your heartbeat. When the heart is at rest, the cuffs are inflated sequentially from the calves to the hips. This compresses the blood vessels, thus enhancing circulation of blood flow back to the heart. Prior to the next heartbeat, all three cuffs deflate simultaneously. This rapid deflation of the cuffs significantly reduces the amount of work required of the heart to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
It feels like a firm massage with pressure applied to the hips and legs at regular intervals. The intensity of the pressure is adjustable to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment.
Your ECP Therapy Journey
The journey is estimated to take around 45 minutes to 75 minutes depending on
assessment, therapy, consultation time spent. You may clarify with our staff
for your spending time in our centre. Your punctuality is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your patience.
The earliest ECP device inflated all the cuffs simultaneously. To better ‘milk’ blood from the legs, more recent devices inflate the cuffs in a sequential manner: first the calves, then the thighs, then the hips. This improved version of ECP is often called ‘enhance ECP’, Since all modern ECP machines use some variant of the ‘enhanced’ method, the terms ECP and enhanced ECP are sometimes used interchangeably. NCP-5 uses the enhanced ECP technology.
ECP Therapy enhances blood flow to all parts of the body, including organs such as the brain, kidneys, liver and skin. With improved blood circulation, this increase delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removal of carbon dioxide and waste products. This clinical evidence also indicate the ECP promote vascular health (fitness of the arteries) and reduce inflammation, hence reducing the risk of the cardiovascular diseases.
ECP device is cleared by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of chronic stable angina (chest pain due to the poor blood supply to the heart). Many clinical studies have shown ECP therapy to be effective in reducing angina symptoms and improving exercise capacity In patients with angina pectoris.
As with most medical-related procedures, results may vary from patient to patient.
ECP device is U.S. FDA-cleared for the treatment of chronic stable angina. However, many clinical studies have also shown ECP to have beneficial effects for symptoms associated with poor blood flow, such as:
If the cuffs are not adjusted properly or the pressure is set too high for you, tenderness or bruising may occur. Extra padding can be arranged, and the pressure setting can be adjusted to your comfort.
Individuals with blood clots or history of blood clots should not undergo ECP Therapy.
Individuals often feel investigated after a treatment session. The increase in blood circulation may cause you to feel flushed or warm; your face and hands may appear mildly flushed for an hour or two after a treatment. You may have an appearance similar to what you would have after a round of active exercise. Occasionally, a person may feel slightly light-headed or have a mild headache due to the increase in blood circulation or lack of hydration. However, this usually passes in a few moments.
Certainly, if your doctor has cleared you to undergo exercise and physical activity, you may exercise before or after you receive ECP therapy,
For treatment of chronic stable angina, the established treatment time is 60 minutes per session. For other individuals, treatment duration may be advised by a healthcare professional.
For the treatment of chronic stable angina, the established duration is 35 treatment sessions over 7 to 8 weeks (approximately 4 to 5 treatment sessions per week).
Yes. You may tell the operator that you wish to stop treatment at any time during the session. There is also an emergency stop button which you may use should you feel an urgent need to stop the treatment. You are encouraged to use the toilet before each session starts in order to minimize disruptions.
Missing a session will not harm you. You may just continue with your next scheduled treatment. However, regular sessions are recommended for maximum benefits.
Talk to your healthcare provider if your symptoms return. About 20% of people need repeat ECP therapy, especially if they didn’t complete the initial 35 hour course.
Result may vary between individuals. While most individuals feel some effects after the first session, all will feel greater improvements as the course of treatment progresses.
Yes, the age limit is 18 years old.
5, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200, Wilayah Pesekutuan, Kuala Lumpur
Call/ WhatsApp : 03 2240 2881 / 016 2612837