LifeCare Dignostic
October 7, 2021
Osteoporosis is a process where bones gradually reduce in density and become more fragile to a point where they are easily broken.
Bone resorption is a lifelong, constant process where old bones are broken down and are replaced with new bones. When you are young, new bones are formed faster than the breaking down of old bones. Therefore, increasing the density of bones. Your bone density is said to be at its peak at about 25-30 years old. After this, the formation of new bones slow down as you ages and the rate of breaking down supersedes the formation.
Factors that increase your risk for developing osteoporosis can be divided into non-modifiable risks and modifiable risk factors.
Non-modifiable risks:
Modifiable risks:
It is usually a silent progression. But one may experience the following as the condition worsens:
Since it is usually a silent progression, screening is very important for early detection, prevention and early treatment. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the lumbar spine and hip is currently the criterion standard for the evaluation of bone density. It is a painless, fast procedure.
Bone mineral density (BMD) measurement is recommended in the following patients:
As for bone health, we need to focus on particularly Vitamin D and Calcium intake.
Vitamin D:
Similar to muscle, bone gets stronger when you exercise it. Weight bearing exercises and resistance exercises improves bone density. Weight bearing exercises are such as walking, jogging, hiking and dancing. Resistance exercises are such as push-ups and other weight training exercises.
Consuming two or more alcoholic beverages per day is linked to higher chances of bone loss. As for smoking, it keeps the hormone estrogen in your body from working well, thus doubles the chance of bone loss and fractures. Whereas caffeine, leaches calcium from bones, sapping their strength.
There are several medications for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, such as hormonal replacement therapy, bisphosphonates, calcitonin etc.