Ukiyo Confinement Centre 19th June 2023 婴儿会发出许多不同的声音,从咯咯笑声到咕噜声,再到婴儿牙牙学语。当他们有需要时,哭泣总是会引起你的注意。然而,新家庭可能很难理解每次哭泣的含义 "Neh"A newborn baby uses a sucking reflex to create the sound "neh" when they are hungry.Our observation: Most new babies clench their fists when they are hungry."Eh"This sound is caused by internal reflexes pushing an air bubble from their chest. The baby naturally responds with a short hiss, a grunt, or a squeak sounds like "eh". Our observation: A pained facial expression, kicking, shaking and other fussiness are all indications that your baby needs to burp."Eairh"This sound is more noticeable when a baby is 6-12 weeks of age. If a baby has flatulence or an upset tummy, you will hear the sound reflex "eairh". "Eairh" starts with an open mouth, tongue heald back and a taut belly. When the pain is intense, the start of the "eairh" sound is elongated into an intense cry."Heh"Babies make the sound reflex "heh" when they experience stress and discomfort such as those signaling a nappy change. It's a sound associated with babies over 6 weeks of age. This sound is triggered as a response to a skin reflex, such as a sweaty or itchy feeling."Owh"Newborn babies make the sound reflex "owh" when they are feeling tired. This sound is created as the baby yawns and exhales. "Owh" can be heard before the baby cries and during newborn crying. Our observation: if it's time for a nap, your baby may start rubbing their eyes. Their cry may start out slow and low and gradually build in tone and intensity. 如果您有兴趣了解更多有关婴儿护理或月子中心的信息,我们邀请您直接与我们联系。我们的专家团队致力于提供全面的信息、指导和支持,帮助您驾驭育儿世界并做出明智的决定。请随时通过 WhatsApp +601128698025 联系我们,我们将很乐意为您提供进一步的帮助。我们了解为您的孩子提供最好的照顾的重要性,并在这里为您提供这段美好的为人父母之旅所需的知识和资源。 请记住,每个婴儿都是独一无二的,养育孩子是一段充满无限学习和成长机会的旅程。无论您选择加深对婴儿护理的了解还是探索月子中心,关键是要以开放的心态对待它,寻找可靠的来源,并在探索美妙的父母世界时相信自己的直觉。